Webinar: AIHA's New Direct Reading Instruments Technical Framework: Setting the Standard of Care

Our customers have a new resource to help you select and operate direct reading instruments (DRIs) and their sensor components. In late spring of 2020, the AIHA board has approved and posted the new DRI Body of Knowledge (BoK): Guidance on Use of Direct Reading Instruments.

Some questions that this BoK can help answer include:

  • Do instrument users have the competencies necessary to appropriately operate an instrument?
  • Does our given program or policy address the elements of appropriate use (like functional testing)?
  • Does a training program evaluate all the identified competencies for basic users?

We're glad to have Spencer Pizzani, a member of the AIHA volunteer workgroup that produced this new resource, to help explain the new technical framework and how it can be used.

In our webinar, he covers:

  • What's new in the 2020 technical framework and how does it differ from 2015's Field Use of Direct-Reading Instruments for Detection of Gases and Vapors
  • The addition of specific competencies for direct reading instrument users
  • Changes to the framework for instrument and technological advancements
  • How to use the new guidance documents in your operations
  • How the new technical framework can help improve your practice or program
  • Ask the Expert: Your questions answered

Recorded Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at RAECO Rents

Download Presentation Slides [1.5MB PDF]

Download the DRI Technical Framework Handout [434KB PDF]

Request CEU credit here.

Speaker Spencer PizzaniAbout the Speaker: Spencer Pizzani, CIH is the Industrial Hygiene Manager for Pepsi Beverages North America. He has presented at AIHce 2015 (Motivational Structure Analysis), AIHce 2017 (The Evolving Role of Sensors to Protect Worker Health), and AIHce 2019 (Biohacking and Industrial Hygiene). He served as a delegate to the AIHA Sensor Technology Summit in 2016 and was a key member on the task force for the Guidance on the Use of Direct Reading Instruments Technical Framework. His most recent technical publication, Protecting Modified Worker Health - Biohacking and the Workplace, was the cover article on the April 2020 issue of AIHA's The Synergist magazine.

We welcome Spencer as a speaker, and thank him for sharing his time and expertise with our customers.

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